Apr . 08Good prospect lies ahead of us .10 wheeler Superhawk 11R22.5 HK859 dump truck tyres achieve great mileage in Canada.Coming with super traction power for local short haul,HK859 tyre is rather suitable for regional transportation.With deep tread depth of 23.5mm,HK859 can achieve max lifespan of 18 months now.HK859 is expected to achieve longer tyre life with better proper maintenance.
QINGDAO HAWKWAY TYRE CO., LTD: Tianbao International Mansion. no. 61 Haier Road, Qingdao, China 266000
Main Office: +86-532-55578038/ 55578039
Company email: info@hawktyre.cn
Company fax: +86-532-55578031EXT87
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